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Mastering ServiceNow Watch Topics and Remediation Efforts

ServiceNow's Vulnerability Response (VR) offers a comprehensive solution for identifying, prioritising, and remediating vulnerabilities efficiently. Among its powerful features are Watch Topics and Remediation Efforts, which enable organisations to monitor specific sets of vulnerabilities and streamline remediation tasks effectively. In this blog post, we'll delve into how Watch Topics and Remediation Efforts in ServiceNow VR empower organisations to enhance their vulnerability management processes.


The Skinny on Watch Topics

Monitoring Key Vulnerability Trends, and Watch Topics in ServiceNow VR allow organisations to monitor filtered sets of vulnerability records over time through data visualisations on customisable dashboards. These topics can be tailored to address specific areas of interest or priority for the organisation. For example, an organisation may create Watch Topics to monitor vulnerabilities affecting critical infrastructure components, third-party software dependencies, or compliance requirements.

The dynamic nature of Watch Topics ensures that the data displayed on the visualisations is continuously updated as new vulnerability data is imported into the system. This enables organizations to monitor trends, scope, and types of vulnerabilities in real-time, providing valuable insights into their environment's security posture. For instance, an organisation may observe a sudden increase in high-severity vulnerabilities impacting a particular system or application, prompting immediate remediation actions.

Furthermore, Watch Topics enables organisations to assess the impact of vulnerabilities on their configuration items (CIs) and prioritise remediation efforts accordingly. By analysing the relationship between vulnerabilities and CIs within a Watch Topic, organisations can identify critical assets or systems at risk and allocate resources effectively to mitigate potential threats.


The Skinny on Remediation Efforts

Remediation Efforts in ServiceNow VR are sets of records associated with specific Watch Topics. Unlike Watch Topics, the records listed on a Remediation Effort are static and not updated by new import data or changes made to Watch Topics. This allows organisations to create targeted remediation plans based on the vulnerabilities identified within a Watch Topic and track the progress of remediation efforts over time.

For example, suppose an organisation identifies a Watch Topic related to vulnerabilities in a critical web application used for customer transactions. The organisation can create a Remediation Effort specifically for this Watch Topic, listing all vulnerabilities impacting the web application. Each vulnerability record within the Remediation Effort includes detailed information such as severity, affected systems, and recommended remediation actions.

Moreover, ServiceNow VR enables organisations to automate the handoff of remediation tasks to their IT teams for vulnerabilities listed within a Remediation Effort. This streamlines the remediation process by assigning tasks only for vulnerabilities that require immediate attention or align with the organisation's risk tolerance levels. Additionally, automated notifications and workflows ensure timely remediation actions, reducing the overall time to resolution and minimising security risks.


Enhance VR Performance by Combining Both

The integration of Watch Topics and Remediation Efforts in ServiceNow VR offers several benefits for organisations seeking to enhance their vulnerability management processes:

  1. Proactive Monitoring: Watch Topics enable organisations to proactively monitor key vulnerability trends and emerging threats, allowing for timely response and mitigation actions.
  2. Targeted Remediation: Remediation Efforts enable organisations to create focused remediation plans for specific sets of vulnerabilities, streamlining the remediation process and optimising resource allocation.
  3. Automation and Efficiency: ServiceNow VR automates the handoff of remediation tasks to IT teams, reducing manual intervention and accelerating the remediation process for critical vulnerabilities.
  4. Improved Visibility and Accountability: By leveraging Watch Topics and Remediation Efforts, organisations gain greater visibility into their vulnerability landscape and can hold teams accountable for remediation efforts through comprehensive reporting and tracking capabilities.



Watch Topics and Remediation Efforts in ServiceNow VR provide organisations with powerful tools to enhance their vulnerability response capabilities. By monitoring key vulnerability trends, creating targeted remediation plans, and automating remediation tasks, organisations can strengthen their cybersecurity posture and mitigate risks effectively. With ServiceNow VR, organisations can streamline their vulnerability management processes, optimise resource utilisation, and ultimately, safeguard their critical assets and data against evolving threats.

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Prab Lakshminarayana is a seasoned Solution Architect with a decade of specialised expertise in ServiceNow, particularly focused on SecOps, integrations, ITSM, ITOM, and CMDB. With a comprehensive skill set and certifications including Certified Application Developer and Certified Implementation Specialist (SIR, VR, and ITSM), Prab excels in delivering tailored solutions to streamline IT operations and enhance business efficiency.
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