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LIT Enables Limitless Growth With Automated Order Management Solution

Lera Investment Technologies, LLC (“LIT”) is a U.S. based company with 30+ subsidiaries globally providing information technology (IT) as a service to corporations around the world, disrupting how private infrastructure solutions are delivered to the market. LIT leverages its platform and ecosystem to enable technology service providers confidently enter into global IT consumption-based contracts with their customers. The company’s platform eliminates many key barriers to accessing global as-a-service offerings—such as high upfront capital costs, country coverage, dynamic network of ecosystem partners, and consistent global execution. LIT also offers flexible termination and payment terms as a way to open up this market and provide a faster time to value.

Recognizing automating order management was critical to realizing growth potential, LIT engaged Thirdera and ServiceNow in an effort to overhaul their procedures. These improvements have allowed LIT to streamline order management and optimize customer service, creating a comprehensive foundation upon which to build future growth.


Company Profile

Size: <50 employees   |    Industry: Information Technology as a Service   |    Location: Miami, FL


Key Challenges


Manual order management systems inhibited LIT’s ability to realize growth potential.

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Separate order fulfillment and reconciliation processes required a considerable labor investment to ensure accurate billing invoicing.

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The time invested in supporting a manual order management process kept the teams from focusing on high-value activities.

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Maintaining data quality was in jeopardy as transaction volume approached the team’s capacity.

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Opportunities for process improvement were missed without the time and ability to analyze available data.

LIT needed a solution that eliminated siloed processes, improved efficiency, increased data accuracy and automated order processing. Additionally, the company recognized a more accurate and efficient order management process was central to improving the customer experience and revenue growth.


Our Solution

LIT knew it needed to transition its manual processes into a mechanized, scalable system if it were to expand its services to new global markets. Given Thirdera’s industry-specific experience and position as a world-leading pure-play ServiceNow partner, LIT turned to Thirdera’s talented technical team for support in implementing ServiceNow to streamline its order management process.

With Thirdera’s guidance, LIT successfully implemented ServiceNow, achieving a scalable data model that offered a comprehensive and accurate insight into the entire lifecycle of order management—from initial intake to post-delivery and support stages.

The Result


A new and improved order management process that removes onerous manual tasks allowing LIT to focus on extending greater services to its existing clients—while also expanding into new markets.    

Customer Experience

Routine orders now flow automatically through the process and meet customer expectations along the way. This leaves LIT more time to focus on high-value or fallout tasks that need active management and optimizes the customer experience.


By using ServiceBridge and various other integrations, the full automation of order intake and validation means that LIT can increase its throughput without sacrificing the high-quality service for which it is known.


A single cloud platform gives LIT control and visibility over its order management process. Vendors and suppliers can be easily managed, the entire hardware asset management lifecycle is visible, and financial management can be seamlessly integrated—all in one place

Thirdera implemented the ServiceNow order management solution, Service Bridge, to fully automate order intake, validation, and management. Customer Order Management was also enabled, eliminating redundant and error-prone manual processes. Lastly, by integrating a preexisting financial management system that was enhanced with components of ServiceNow’s Financial Management solution, LIT now had the ability to view ordering and billing in one place rather than on separate spreadsheets.  

Time-consuming manual ordering processes were replaced with automated ordering by OEM vendors and suppliers, using NOW Order Management. This also allowed LIT to take advantage of a range of platform capabilities, including fallout management and end-to-end visibility. Order validation was enabled at multiple stages, and if bad data was discovered, a fallout task would be created for manual checks.

Ordering and configuration systems were integrated with hardware asset management (HAM) to create a service-aware, process-driven configuration management database (CMDB). This provided a single record system for LIT to gain actionable business insights around incidents, finances, and service availability.

Now LIT has changed the game when it comes to its ability to say yes at scale. As one of the first Service Bridge clients, LIT can now extend even more services to its clients while allowing them to enter their data into the system. Orders are now managed more efficiently, and customer service is second-to-none.

The new ServiceNow order management process implemented by Thirdera offers LIT the ability to mine its data to drive improvements over time. By providing access to a range of performance metrics, Thirdera has given LIT the ability to see how its technology works in different environments and make adjustments to serve its customers better.


About Thirdera

The largest pure-play ServiceNow partner in North America, Thirdera is a trusted Elite ServiceNow partner focused solely on improving and innovating the way our customers leverage the ServiceNow platform. Our experts possess authoritative capabilities and skillsets spanning the entire Now Platform. This extensive platform expertise allows us to understand our customers’ needs and deliver tailored solutions that solve business challenges.

Contact us today to discuss your next project, and enter a new era of ServiceNow partner experience.

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Michael Henderson

Michael has been a content marketing professional in the ServiceNow space for over 10 years. His focus is developing engaging content that empowers clients to make informed decisions throughout their service management journey.
[case-study, order-management] [Case Study, Order Management]