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Global Medical Device Company Optimises SaaS License Spend

Organisations are constantly seeking ways to optimise their software investments and reduce unnecessary expenditures. Discover how this client gained visibility into their SaaS license utilisation and drove significant cost savings.

Project Snapshot


annual cost savings


reduction in Zoom Professional spend

Client size: 3,000+ Client industry: Medical device Client location: Global


Key Challenges

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Lack of comprehensive visibility into software usage and installation across IT assets.

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Financial waste from underutilised or stale software subscriptions.

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Limited insights into actual software deployment and user engagement.


Our Solution

To address the client's challenges, we implemented our Built with ServiceNow offering, Landmark: Asset Management, to provide a comprehensive approach to SaaS license optimisation.

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SaaS License Reclamation
Conducted an in-depth assessment of software subscription utilisation, identifying stale and unused software licenses across multiple platforms.

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Zoom Professional Optimisation

Performed a detailed analysis of Zoom Professional subscriptions, uncovering over 2,400 underutilised or unused licenses and developing a targeted license reclamation strategy.

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Expanded Assessment

Extended the optimisation efforts to include additional software platforms, including Adobe, Microsoft, Salesforce, and Miro licenses.

The Result

Cost reduction
Achieved 61% reduction in Zoom Professional software spend, realising approximately $350,000 in annual cost savings.

Enhanced visibility
Gained comprehensive insights into software usage patterns, transforming license management from a reactive to a strategic function.


Continuous optimisation
Established a repeatable process for ongoing software asset management, empowering IT leadership with data-driven decision-making capabilities.

About Thirdera, a Cognizant company

Thirdera, a Cognizant company is an Elite-level ServiceNow partner, enabling customers to maximise the value of the ServiceNow platform through workflow-enabled services and solutions. Founded in 2021 and acquired by Cognizant in 2024, Thirdera, a Cognizant company is one of the largest and most credentialed ServiceNow partners globally. We offer world-class guidance to help businesses accelerate growth and productivity. With expertise and capabilities spanning experience design, process optimization, and AI-accelerated solutions, we are ushering in the next era of transformation, automation, and partner expectation. Visit www.thirdera.com for more information.

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Michael Henderson

Michael has been a content marketing professional in the ServiceNow space for over 10 years. His focus is developing engaging content that empowers clients to make informed decisions throughout their service management journey.
[servicenow-sam, case-study] [servicenow sam, Case Study]