Thirdera Blueprint
Certificate Management
In today's digital landscape, managing digital certificates is crucial. As organizations grow, so does certificate complexity. Without efficient management, enterprises risk outages, violations, and breaches. Thirdera's Certificate Management Blueprint provides an integrated, automated solution to track, renew, and manage certificates at scale - preventing pitfalls of manual processes so businesses can operate smoothly and securely.
Blueprint Overview
Initiate & Plan
Go-Live & Beyond
Initiate & Plan
1 WEEKConduct workshops for Certificate Management, demo functionality, approve execution plan.
2 WEEKSConfigure Certificate Management, Discovery and Catalog Items per best practices; continually show progress back to the customer.
1 WEEKProvide functional and technical knowledge transfer and support customer acceptance testers.
Go-Live & Beyond
2 WEEKSPromote code to production and provide support.
Thirdera Staffing

Engagement Manager
Responsible for providing leadership and direction to achieve growth and transformation.

Technical Team
Comprised of a Technical Lead and Solution Architect, Thirdera's technical resources utilize advanced platform knowledge and best practices to ensure smooth technical operations and client satisfaction.

Project Scope
Thirdera's Certificate Management Blueprint includes a list of deliverables to set your Certificate Management program on course for long-term success with greater visibility. Guided by proven best practices, our team of technical experts configures and implements a proven solution while establishing a foundation for greater automation. Key deliverables include:
- Enabling Discovery to gather deployed certificates.
- Integrating with ServiceNow-supported certificate authorities, such as DigiCert, Entrust, GoDaddy, Sectigo, and Microsoft, to retrieve an inventory of issued certificates.
- Activate 6 out-of-the-box catalog items associated with ServiceNow Certificate Management.
ServiceNow Discovery and ITOM Visibility Licensing is a pre-requisite for Certificate Management. The customer will be responsible for providing the necessary roles to access the catalog items and for the deployment to the Production environment. Additional hours may be necessary if Discovery is not operational.
Items that are out of scope include additional customization or development of the ServiceNow platform, development of custom discovery patterns, and modifications to the existing out-of-the-box catalog items.