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Insurance Provider Projects $75MM Gain in Business Value from Asset Management Transformation

In 2019, this leading insurance provider began a multi-year Service Asset and Configuration Management (SACM) journey to attain cost optimization along with process and technology improvements.


Project Snapshot


projected gain in business value


estimated gain in tangible benefits


business services mapped
Client size: 6,500 Client industry: Insurance Client location: United States


Key Challenges

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Lack of understanding and visibility into IT infrastructure.

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Heavy reliance on tribal knowledge resulted in longer change management processes and increased costs due to underutilized resources.

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Lack of financial and risk intelligence stemming from disparate, manual processes. 


Our Solution

Thirdera, a Cognizant company provided highly specialized expertise and thought leadership across focused roles to facilitate the client's asset and configuration management maturation. Led by industry best practice recommendations, we aimed to update their processes and controls to improve service, optimize cost, and reduce risk.

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ServiceNow Hardware Asset Management 
Phased maturation that included centralization of all in-scope IT assets and configuration items (CIs), removal of technical debt, and model normalization. 

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ServiceNow Software Asset Management

Phased maturation that included the implementation of SAM Pro, a one-way Ariba integration, and the expansion of Software Publisher.

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ServiceNow Configuration Management

Phased maturation that included operationalization of ServiceNow Service Mapping for 400+ scoped services and data normalization and alignment to a Common Service Data Model (CSDM). 

The Result

Increase in strategic potential
Centralized data has facilitated strategic and operational decision-making, which consequently has generated a projected net business value gain.

Enhanced cybersecurity posture
Appropriate data management processes and reporting have reduced risk occurrences and increased confidence in data security and privacy controls.


More consistent and reliable processes 
Ongoing process optimization has improved service availability, incident resolution times, change management processes, and communication across departments. 

About Thirdera, a Cognizant company

Thirdera, a Cognizant company is an Elite-level ServiceNow partner, enabling customers to maximize the value of the ServiceNow platform through workflow-enabled services and solutions. Founded in 2021 and acquired by Cognizant in 2024, Thirdera, a Cognizant company is one of the largest and most credentialed ServiceNow partners globally. We offer world-class guidance to help businesses accelerate growth and productivity. With expertise and capabilities spanning experience design, process optimization, and AI-accelerated solutions, we are ushering in the next era of transformation, automation, and partner expectation. Visit www.thirdera.com for more information.

Contact us today to discuss your next project and enter a new era of ServiceNow partner experience.

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Michael Henderson

Michael has been a content marketing professional in the ServiceNow space for over 10 years. His focus is developing engaging content that empowers clients to make informed decisions throughout their service management journey.
[itam, configuration-management, case-study, financial-services] [ITAM, Configuration Management, Case Study, Financial Services]