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ServiceNow Webinar: The Art and Science of Experience Management

December 09, 2021 @ 11:00 PST | 14:00 EST
Clock 1 hour



Thirdera teamed up with HappySignals and ITSM Academy for a thought leadership discussion around ServiceNow Experience Management.

Join us for an action-packed hour where you’ll hear from leading experts around the ServiceNow ecosystem on how they are leveraging “Experience” to modernise and improve the way you deliver services.

In this webinar, we covered:

  • The anatomy of an Experience Level Agreement (XLA): why they matter and why now!
  • The importance of people-centred design based on collaboration
  • What makes Enterprise IT end-users happy and how to leverage the world's foremost happiness data set to benchmark your services delivery
  • Ways to improve user adoption and experiences  


Meet our Experience Management Experts:

MicrosoftTeams-image (79)Breanne Creelman - Director, UX/UI - Thirdera Digital 
MicrosoftTeams-image (80)Lisa Schwartz - CEO of ITSM Academy 
MicrosoftTeams-image (81)Sami Kallio - CEO of HappySignals


Get in touch 

If you have any questions about this webinar, please don't hesitate to connect by completing the Contact us form.


Thank you! We will connect with you soon!