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Setting the Standard: 2022 in Review

2022 was an unforgettable year. Sure, it involved the typical highs and lows seen with any other year; but it seemed to have a bigger appetite for turmoil and tumult than years of recent. Supply chain woes. Labour shortages. The ongoing impact of the pandemic. Fold in personal challenges, and 2022 turned out to be the ultimate test of resilience and resolve for each of us.

Like many others, we were faced with difficult decisions that required some heavy, impromptu adjustments. Yet, aside from the ongoing exercises to adapt, one thing remained consistent: our adherence to our 2022 rally cry Set the Standard. In a lot of ways, this was the spark that ignited a monumental, 12-month campaign that was centred on raising the “value” bar for our customers with a new standard of platform innovation.

To let 2022 slip into the annals of Thirdera history without a proper sendoff would be a travesty. We captured the most special moments of 2022 in a highlight video - to relive, remind, and rejuvenate before we venture into a new year.



How you choose to remember 2022 is up to you.

At Thirdera, we will remember it as an opportunity – an opportunity to test and validate our endurance and grit. We started 2022 as the largest global pure-play ServiceNow partner and ended 2022 as the largest global pure-play ServiceNow partner (with a few accolades in between). A feat we take pride in. But also, one we recognise would not have been possible without our amazing customers, partners, and Eranauts. Thank you for helping us Set the Standard!


2023 rally cry revealed soon

In 2021 it was Build the Base. In 2022 it was Set the Standard. What will Thirdera’s rally cry be in 2023? Follow us by clicking the social icons below to be part of the big reveal!


Christina Nahal

Christina is the SVP of Marketing at Thirdera and is dedicated to marketing strategy and brand experience. With a strong background in the ServiceNow ecosystem, Christina is instrumental in ushering in a new era of ServiceNow partner.
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