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Bring Clarity to Your Order Management

July 27, 2022 @ 9 AM PST | 12 PM EST
Clock 1 hour
traffic aerial view highway night  2022-01


Order management is central to the overall customer experience across industries. When order fulfillment processes are disjointed, customer experience suffers.

Join our webinar to learn how to get your Order Management orchestration to a new level! Harness the power of the entire ServiceNow platform and Thirdera Clarity Order Management to elevate the user experience, accelerate time to revenue, and advance operational efficiencies.  

Ditch the ‘the way it has to be’ and embrace ‘the way it can be done’ with a new generation of automation that helps you reduce operational deficiencies and take control of the entire order management lifecycle.

In this webinar you will learn:

  • Why ServiceNow is a great platform for managing the full lifecycle of order management results.
  • How to eliminate lengthy, complex, and manual order fulfillment for any industry by automating the order intake, validation, and enrichment of the complicated orders/services. 
  • Why pairing up Order Management with ServiceNow CSM will significantly improve your customer satisfaction and experience. 



Meet the expert:

Matt FMatt Farahmand, CSM Practice Manager at Thirdera




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